08 Dec
T25 Application Link
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What? A list of funds transforming the economy for social, environmental, and economic justice. They employ a mix of sound financial structures to overcome barriers and transform how they invest capital to benefit unfinanced people and the planet. The Transformative 25 Funds (the list) and Collective Action for Just Finance (T25 Collective) document and support impact-first funds creating regenerative and restorative economies.
The T25 Collective seeks to recognize funds that use deep impact strategies such as long-term capital, culturally-informed technical assistance, capacity building, blended capital, alternative impact indicators, recoverable grants, and creative financial terms to advance systemic change. The funds on this list create non-extractive financial systems and provide capital to those who have been excluded and underserved by the current financial system.
Why? Our purpose is to uplift integrated capital funds driving capital toward regenerative, restorative economic and ecological systems. We share the work of the T25 Funds as examples of investment vehicles for mission-aligned investors, institutions, and foundations. We focus on uplifting their stories of catalytic capital as a path toward a Just Transition.
Who? We seek a mix of funds, including start-up, growth, and mature funds. If your fund has the organizational capacity and structures to move capital for regenerative and restorative equity, please apply.
How to Apply/Be nominated for the T25: Please see the nomination / self-nomination form below. We ask all funds, banks, and initiatives to identify whether they know one of the Transformative 25 Committees listed below or a T25 Fund to familiarize your fund with our process. If your fund does not have a direct connection, please self-nominate and we will schedule a 30-minute call with your fund and a committee member to ensure that your fund meets our basic criteria. Contact Jen Astone at jen@iciaptos.com with any questions.
Fill out the application / nomination form linked here. We estimate it will take 60-90 minutes. The committee reviews, selects, and publishes the list of funds in April. Our goal is to create opportunities (e.g., webinars, blogs, networking, learning opportunities, and publicity) for the funds to meet with and educate investors, foundations, and peers. Find the T25 lists for the past three years here.
Deadline? Wednesday, January 19th, 2024
Questions? Jen Astone jen@iciaptos.com, 831-247-7305 or any Committee Member
Transformative 25 Review Committee Members
- Alex Saingchin
- Alicia DeLia
- Allistar Mallillin
- Chelsea McDaniel
- David Kenney
- Eileen Egan
- George Guerrero
- Ishita Shah
- Jasmine Rashid
- Jennifer Astone
- Joanne Cheung
- Kelley Buhles
- Ken Tsunoda
- Laura Dellinger
- Leo Freeman
- Lolita Nunn
- Maria Luisa Chavez Azpiri
- Martijn Blom
- Mary Abad
- Mary Oxendine
- Patricia Farrar-Rivas
- Pedro Henriques da Silva
- Ruben Hernandez
- Taj James
- Vanessa Huang
- Trevor Thompson