Mobilizing Human and Financial Capital for a Healthy People and Planet

Who We Are

Jennifer Astone

  • Moderated “Vital Capital: Crowdfunding for Regenerative Agriculture Investing in Native Communities,” panel at SOCAP on how Ejido Verde raised $400,000 from 10,000 people.


  • Featured in Inside Philanthropy article on how teamwork enabled Swift Foundation to invest in funds for smallholder farmers who solve for industrial agriculture.


  • Presented and blogged for Confluence Philanthropy’s “Investing in Native Communities Learning Journey” meeting in Santa Fe.



  • “Foundations Can Unlock a Food System to Feed the World” Jen co-wrote this 2019 Stanford Social Innovation Review article with Meredith Storton of RSF Social Finance focusing on the unique role that philanthropy has to play as a catalyst for a healthier and more equitable world. We note that foundations with small staffs can focus on the relationships that can make this change happen most effectively.


  • As foundations increasingly make grants in food and agriculture, few invest their endowment assets in farmers, cooperatives, businesses and entrepreneurs. This lack of capital investment reflects a big gap in analysis and leadership. Read more about the need for leadership and finance from the philanthropic sector inInvesting in Food Systems: Gaps in Capital, Analysis and Leadershipwritten by Jen Astone while at the Swift Foundation.


  • In this blog posting, From Grantmaker to Financial Activist, Jen recounts her personal journey breaking down the silos between grantmaking and investing for the Justice Funders Network.

How can we help?


Phone: 831-247-7305