Racial Justice Investing

“I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin


Racial Justice Investing: Resources

“A 2019 study sponsored by Knight Foundation found that asset management firms owned by women and people of color manage only 1.3 percent of the $70 trillion investment management industry despite demonstrating performance on par with if not better than majority firms.”

– Erika Seth Davies

A plethora of resources has emerged in the past six months that expose the challenges we have to address to be effective and pathways for transformative change. Some of my current favorites include: a webinar series from the Justice Funders on a reparations framework for investment, a discussion paper on how investments drive injustice by Transform Finance, and critical research and leadership on racial bias in investing from Illumen Capital. Activest has been highlighting the role of municipal bonds and racial inequality and the work of Erika Seth Davies at the Beeck Center focuses on equity in access to capital markets. Jasmine Rashid’s Medium post focuses on individual investing while Rachel Robasciotti’s blog series on Race in Finance highlights questions to ask your financial manager.

Do you have a favorite resource that I’ve missed? Email me to share it and I’ll add it to this suite of excellent informational, action-oriented resources.